Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!


*Update: Added Pictures
Happy Thanksgiving!

My day started out really early. I decided to run a 5K this morning in support of Spinal Cord Injuries. My other reason...well, ok so I wouldn't feel guilty if I stuffed myself. =)
This was my first 5K race. Of course, I was super nervous because I told myself that I needed to run the entire race. However, I was doubtful I would succeed, as I just recently joined a running group to get in shape for my wedding. Drum roll please....ha ha ha! Can you tell, I'm super excited?! I successfully completed my first 5K race!! Not to mention, that I ran the entire race! ! I was able to run it under 45min. I will be running another 5K race with my running group next month. By then, I'm hoping to shave off at least 5min if not more of my time.
My friend Chelsea, even came out to see me run! She took a picture of me crossing the finish line. She's such a sweet gal. She stood out in the cold to watch me run! I'll post a picture once she uploads them to her facebook.

Before the Race

Look at all the runners

Waiting for the race to begin

Beginning of Race

Crossing the finish Line

Awww....I'm still super excited that I was able to run the entire race. Seriously, I really, really, didn't think I would be able to. "Running is all mental". That's a statement I hear from every runner. It's true! While I only ran a 5K, the first mile was the hardest for me. I was ready to quit and give up. However I just kept chanting to myself: "You can do it". And before I knew it, I crossed the finished line.

I'm completely stuffed and soo full. Our Thanksgiving Dinner was yummy. My mom made Turkey and Ham, and my younger sister decided she wanted to cook/make all the side dishes for our dinner. The food was simply delish, especially her Appler Pie. Simpley Devine! I'll post pictures later. Too stuffed right now. Going to pop myself on the couch and watch a bunch of movies.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wild Fires


I work 2 blocks away from where the fires were raging this past weekend. Yesterday, during lunch I drove through some of the effected areas. Thankfully, families didn't lose there homes here. However there are quite a few homes with minor structural damage. I feel for those families who have lost everything, especially those who do not have the proper Insurance coverage in place to help them rebuild.
It is even more aggravating to hear, that the fire were caused by careless individuals. Last night on the news, I heard that the Montecito Fire was caused by a bonfire. A group of young people decided to have a bonfire, but failed to check if it was completely extinguished. Come on folks! During the months of October and November, we always get hit by strong Santa Ana winds. If you chose to have a bonfire during this time, double check to see if the fire is out. I have not lived in California for that long. but even I know, that we get hit with strong Santa Ana wind during the Autumn season. Seriously, there are plenty of days in a year to have bonfires, why chose a the Fire Season?? Ok, end if rant!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Photography: Picture Perfect


I've been so busy lately that I haven't had the time to sit down and blog. Today though, I decided it was about time to catch up on things.

Where to start?! Oh yes, I finally have my voice back!!!For about 1 1/2 weeks I didn't have a voice. Of course, attending a wedding in Vegas didn't help either. However, I was the Maid of Honor therefore I had to attend. Not only that, I didn't want to be one of those people, who RSVP'd, then deciding last minute of not showing up. The wedding was lots of fun since I got to spend some time with my bff's from college, and we got to see an old college roommate, who we hadn't seen in 7 years. Here are some pictures. Let me know what you think. I was playing around with my photoshop. By the way, the originals are always on top.

Bride -To-Be

A touch of morning glow

Matron of Honor, Maid of Honor , Bride, and Bridesmaid
Above: Original Photo; Below: Photoshopped

Marlith (bff), I , Dani (bff), and Josie (old college roomie)

Prior to attending the wedding in Las Vegas, I had some old High School friends, from overseas , visit me as well. It was their first visit to the USA. Unfortuntaly, I wasn't able to spend that much time with them, due to my work schedule. But I was able to spend an entire Saturday with them up at the Griffith Observatory. The loved the area, and wished they had some time to hike up some of the trails. There is always next time. It was great to see them again! I haven't sbeen able to visit with many of my HS friends, since I moved out here. Life! Thank goodness for email and the internet.

Old High School Friends

Thursday, November 6, 2008



Last Sunday was my Mom's birthday and had brunch at the Mission Inn....such yummy food. While we were there I took some head shots my sister and came to the conclusion that I need to photography more often. Actually I knew that already, just need to make time for it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hail to the Chief


The results came in last night, but I was to tired to blog. Technically I should be sleeping, as I didn't go to work today. I'm trying to fight of this cold I have and hoping to regain my voice I lost. =(

I'm so excited about last nights results. It was a historic presidential election, and America made history. Last night, America spoke and voted for our new President-Elect : Barack Obama.

"It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states."

Nothing else needs to be said. If you want to read the full speech, just click here.

Unfortuntaly though, the Yes on Proposition 8 campain was successful. Gay couples are not allowed to get married in California once again. It's a shame!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote for Change


It's been awhile since, I last blogged. I have some catching up to do. However, I will do that after I get off work. This post however is a reminder to everyone to vote. It's Election Day! The presidential race is finally coming to an end! And tonight we will find out whether John McCain or Barack Obama will be our next president. Please go out and vote!

It's pretty easy to figure out for whom I voted. The title of my post gives it away. Also,I don't mind sharing, even if others might not agree with me. It's a free country and everyone is entitled to vote for whom ever they chose, whether it's Obama or McCain.