I've been so busy lately that I haven't had the time to sit down and blog. Today though, I decided it was about time to catch up on things.
Where to start?! Oh yes, I finally have my voice back!!!For about 1 1/2 weeks I didn't have a voice. Of course, attending a wedding in Vegas didn't help either. However, I was the Maid of Honor therefore I had to attend. Not only that, I didn't want to be one of those people, who RSVP'd, then deciding last minute of not showing up. The wedding was lots of fun since I got to spend some time with my bff's from college, and we got to see an old college roommate, who we hadn't seen in 7 years. Here are some pictures. Let me know what you think. I was playing around with my photoshop. By the way, the originals are always on top.
Prior to attending the wedding in Las Vegas, I had some old High School friends, from overseas , visit me as well. It was their first visit to the USA. Unfortuntaly, I wasn't able to spend that much time with them, due to my work schedule. But I was able to spend an entire Saturday with them up at the Griffith Observatory. The loved the area, and wished they had some time to hike up some of the trails. There is always next time. It was great to see them again! I haven't sbeen able to visit with many of my HS friends, since I moved out here. Life! Thank goodness for email and the internet.

Prior to attending the wedding in Las Vegas, I had some old High School friends, from overseas , visit me as well. It was their first visit to the USA. Unfortuntaly, I wasn't able to spend that much time with them, due to my work schedule. But I was able to spend an entire Saturday with them up at the Griffith Observatory. The loved the area, and wished they had some time to hike up some of the trails. There is always next time. It was great to see them again! I haven't sbeen able to visit with many of my HS friends, since I moved out here. Life! Thank goodness for email and the internet.

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