Sadly this weekend is coming to an end. It was a fun and relaxing weekend, and of course too short. I had an extremely long long work week. Perhaps, it had something to do with that fact that I just returned from our honeymoon. This weekend, Mr. J. and I decided to head out to San Diego to spend some time with my best friend Marlith, who is due with her first baby in a few weeks, and her brother Calvin. Also, to return the camcorder they had graciously lent us. Spending time with them is spending time with family! It was a lazy Saturday in San Diego, which consisted of eating way to much food, taking nap and watching movies. The cute dog in the pictures is Sydney. And she's the most adorable lil Jack Russell Terrier.
9 years ago
it's hard to get back in the groove of things, isn't it? don't you wish you could just drop everything, live on the beach, and do nothing all day? haha!
Sydney sure is one adorable furbaby alright! Love the pictures...definitely makes me wish I can turn back time and rewind back to it. But probably is good thing I can't since all we'd do is eat, talk, eat some more, take a nap, eat some more, talk, etc. Haha! Love you babe, Marlith's the new blog. haha. i'll start reading this one then!
did you do mr & mrs shoot yet? omg! i'm so jealous! i don't know if hubby will be into it. i soooo want to do it! i want to wear my gown again...before i can't fit into it anymore. hehe.
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