It's been awhile since my last post, so I figured I'd write about something... ;) With that said, here comes my boring blog entry for today. Hmmm....what could I write about?!
Oh yes, I finally joined a running group. I've been wanting to join one for quite some time now, but always found reason not to join one, such as a) it's too late, b) it cost to much money, c) I won't know anybody etc... However, since I'm getting hitched next year, I was sold and signed up for a running clinic.
My wedding was all the motivation I needed, and so far I'm not regretting the $125 bucks, I spent. We run three times a week. Tuesday and Thursday we meet at 6pm. On Saturday, we meet at the crack of dawn - 7 am!
My friends and family know that I'm not a morning person, and were a bit skeptical of me wanting to run at 7 am. I admit, getting up last Saturday was definitely a struggle, but I was determined not to waste my hard earned money. And surprisingly, I wasn't even tired after the run. I was energized the entire day.
Before I joined the running group, I started to run with a fellow knottie. She is getting married in December, which is practically around the corner. We decided to run together once a week, since its always easier to stay motivated, if you have someone pushing you along especially with another knottie, who understands the stresses of planning a wedding and wanting to look fabulous on the specialy day. I'm glad we met, as Carmela aka POG, is such a sweet girl, not to mention that we seem to have similar taste.