Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sneak Peak


Awwww..... Crissy just posted one picture of J. and I's e-session at Mission San Juan Capistrano. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the eye candy she posted on her blog. Can't hardly wait to see what else she will be posting. Check it out her blog!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tag You're It!


I received my first tag from Anne. So here are the 6 random things about me:

  • I have a bald spot. When I was 8 years old I got the wind knocked out of me, fell to the ground and hit my head pretty hard on concrete floor. I had to get stitches. So now, I have an itzy, bitzy, teenie, tiny bald spot on my head.
  • I habitually crack my knuckles. Besides my knuckles I can practically crack any joint in my body, from my neck, my back, my wrist, my elbows, my ankles ... you name it. I'm pretty sure I can crack/pop it. Gross, I know. And yes I do realize it's not good for you.
  • I can't leave the house with out my cellphone/blackberry. I feel naked with out it. Usually I try to turn around and grab the BB. Of course, there are time, when I simply can't turn around and fetch my phone. I cringe just thinking about it. Like I said, I feel naked with out it and usually bug my friends to borrow their phones, in order to check messages....not that I receive hundreds of phone calls. Haha! I can be a little OCD at times. ;)
  • I love any sort of lip balm or chapstick. However, I tend to lose them the minute I buy them. So sadly, I've given up that obsession, since it was costing me a fortune. I would seriously buy lipbalm about 3 times a week.
  • I hate chocolate milk, hot chocolate, chocolate cake, chocolate pudding, chocolate ice cream.
    I do love cholocate though, especially german or swiss chocolate. Just not the item listed above. Every time I eat those items, I automatically get a gag reflex and I want to vomit. Yes, weird indeed.
  • Even though I was born in the US, I grew up overseas. Preschool, Kindergarden, Elementry School, Middle School and High School I attended in Europe. I went through 5 years of High School. No, I was not held back! The school system I attended in Europe, had 5 years of High School instead of 4 year.
Those are the 6 random things you ever wanted to know about me! LoL!

The "rules" of the game are as follows:
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
Now, I tag these folks....

Unfortunately though, I don't have 6 people I can tag, as most of my friends do not blog. =(

Here are the people I can tag though:




Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Zicke, Zacke...


Zicke, zacke, heu, heu!! Yup, we all headed out to the Old World Oktoberfest in Huntington Beach, this past Saturday. Its seems the older we get, my friends and I don't get together as often as we have in the past. So, usually during this time of the year, we try to go the Oktoberfest at least once, to hang out, drink some beers, dance and to have some fun. From the pictures I posted, this year wasn't any different!! Good Times!! Prosit!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Snail's Pace


It's been awhile since my last post, so I figured I'd write about something... ;) With that said, here comes my boring blog entry for today. Hmmm....what could I write about?!
Oh yes, I finally joined a running group. I've been wanting to join one for quite some time now, but always found reason not to join one, such as a) it's too late, b) it cost to much money, c) I won't know anybody etc... However, since I'm getting hitched next year, I was sold and signed up for a running clinic.
My wedding was all the motivation I needed, and so far I'm not regretting the $125 bucks, I spent. We run three times a week. Tuesday and Thursday we meet at 6pm. On Saturday, we meet at the crack of dawn - 7 am!
My friends and family know that I'm not a morning person, and were a bit skeptical of me wanting to run at 7 am. I admit, getting up last Saturday was definitely a struggle, but I was determined not to waste my hard earned money. And surprisingly, I wasn't even tired after the run. I was energized the entire day.
Before I joined the running group, I started to run with a fellow knottie. She is getting married in December, which is practically around the corner. We decided to run together once a week, since its always easier to stay motivated, if you have someone pushing you along especially with another knottie, who understands the stresses of planning a wedding and wanting to look fabulous on the specialy day. I'm glad we met, as Carmela aka POG, is such a sweet girl, not to mention that we seem to have similar taste.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Life is Beautiful


Check out my engagement pictures! We took them on busy Melrose Avenue. Aren't they just beautiful! The pictures were taken by the very talented Alicia from The Modern Type.

I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them. Can't wait to see the rest of them!