I've been wanting to blog more, but haven't had the timely lately. So here is a quick recap of my eventful and crazy week.
Last Saturday I lost my debit card, which is highly annoying because I never ever carry any cash with me, and I do not own any credit cards. Thankfully, I was able to dash to the bank, pull some money out, report my debit card lost and hope no one depletes my account.
Monday: I checked my bank account and I have $0.00, which means someone actually used my card. Those bastards! This meant I had to ask my boss for a cash advance. I hate asking for cash advances. The reason: I haven't earned that money yet. I know the bank will reimburse me my money, but it usually takes a few days. As you can imagine, my Monday wasn't going that great.
Not to mention the earthquake, we had that day as well. Ok, we can't predict earthquakes. But in my defense, it was the first real somewhat big earthquake I experienced, since I moved to Cali. 8 years ago. Naturally, that freaked me out a bit. Good thing, I was at work because if I were home alone...who knows might have gotten a panic attack.
Tuesday: Since I don't have an ATM card I have to rely on cash to purchase things, such as gas and groceries. This was a great way to start my morning. After work on Monday, I spent my last cash at Albertson, since my fridge was empty and I had nothing to eat at home. I was planning on going to Wells Fargo afterwards, but unfortunately they were closed already. Just my luck. I hate not having an ATM card.
Anyway, I also needed to fill up my tank, but decided to go to the Cheveron Gas station before I head out to work in the morning. Good thing I have a gas card, if not I would have been screwed, I thought to myself. Unfortunately though, I have a habit of filling up the tank, when I barely have any gas left. This day was no different. To make a long story short, I went to the Chevron Station to fill my tank. Inserted my card but it wasn't working! Great, hopefully it wasn't my card! So I go inside to the attendant give him my card. He tries swiping the card but it still doesn't work. That's when he told me that their credit card system was down. It had been like that all morning. Seriously!!!! I panic because I had no money, the banks weren't open yet and I had no gas to get me to work! Of course I panic a bit and tell him that I needed my card to work. He tried again, but it still didn't work. Some guy behind me tells me that I should pull money out of the ATM. Duh, I thought of that myself, but wait...I don't have an ATM card, because I lost it!! I told everyone my story, why I was desperate. So he gave me 10 bucks, so that I could get to work. Of course, I was grateful, if not I would have been stuck there, but how embarrassing!! This whole situation made me an hour late to work!! Good thing my boss understood and our client we were meeting that day was running late.
Thursday: While working on my first DIY project for my upcoming wedding. I cut myself with dull scissors so deep, I thought I had to get my finger stitched up. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. After completing the project and cleaning up my mess I made in the living room, I burnt my arm on the still hot glue gun! Come on...what else could go wrong?! Despite all my injuries the project was worth all of it, because they turned out fabulous.

The finished floral Monograms!
Friday: I'm relieved that it's finally the weekend. Of course my co-workers and boss all laugh at me...seeing me all bandage up, and after telling my story. They agreed it definitely wasn't my week.